1 Januari selalu kami rayakan. Bukan karena pergantian tahun masehi. Bukan karena mengikut arus sekitar yang merayakannya. Bukan karena kami senang meniup trompet. Karena 1 januari adalah ulang tahun mama. Tahun ini, mama berganti umur menjadi 73 tahun. Tua, ya? Orang tua yang pecicilan tidak bisa diam, masih kepingin ini itu sehingga diam-diam memakan coklat dua keping, es krim semangkok dan bakso dari abang-abang yang lewat hingga gulanya naik mencapai 530! Untung anaknya sudah kebal dan tidak hobi kagetan, so I guess I was cool in handling her.
For her kids, she's always been the uniquest person we ever known. Even for aki dan nini, also her sisters and brothers. For years, I've been trying to understand her. All her decisions, all her actions and those dramas, gosh, especially those dramas. And, I still can't understand her. I was at the point where I just accept her as she is. A unique person.
There are times that I feel I hate her so much (yes, i know.. karim told me --the non-english speaking person-- that "hate" is a strong word), but I can't hate her. I simply can't. It's not just because she is my mother so i owe her my life no matter what (kata ustadz sih gitu). But if I looked at her, especially during her sleep, I'm having a feeling... like a mommy watching her naughty girl sleeping. The way she sleeps, the way she hugs that guling, how her face looks innocent after what she is done which drive us all crazy.
I know that what happened between us is totally screw the general idea of mother-daughter relationship. I'm supposed to be the girl who always do the naughty things and drive my mom crazy. But with her, it's like the opposite. But still, I can't hate her.
Two reasons why I love her. I owe her my life when she was giving me birth (Yes, I listened to what those ustadz told us, I didn't fall asleep during their preaching :D). I was such a big baby. And she was getting old, too old to have a baby. She said it was an accident, forgot to take those birth-control pills and she was injected 16 times by the doctor during labour. The second reason is, she's my dad's wife. The light of his life. The person that i treasure the most in this life (halah...gombalnya keluar). I knew him for like, 6 years and 1 month (because he passed away exactly a month after my 6th birthday) but I'm taking him with me always. They said that a person is not really died. There's always a piece of him/her that is still with us. And he's one of that person to me. And through his unconditional love to her, is the way that I could understand her.
Apart from her hobby to make drama out of everything, she's a cool mom. The one who doesn't make too many rules. The one that told us to have fun in life. The one who initiatevely without being asked by her kids, gave us permission to date at the age of 12 (And ironically, I didn't date until I was 26 haha..). The one who basically, trusts her kids. The one who let us grow and be the person we want to be. The one who may not understand our world but since we're happy with ourselves and what we do, she simply loves and proud of us. And I could not imagine if she has a different character, the old, conventional and ordinary parents. Of course, among our cousins, we're a little bit weird for them. But I think, we're just turn out ok. I think, I've grown to be a decent woman. And she is part of it. So am glad that she could live this long. And I don't mind postponing my study plan, just for her. Happy birthday, mom!
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